On-Demand Webinar The Basics of Running a Legally Sound Church Business Meeting Attorneys Richard Hammar and Sarah E. Merkle discuss best practices for implementing and following parliamentary procedures. Attorneys Richard R. Hammar and Sarah E. Merkle
17 Changes Relevant to Churches in Newest Robert’s Rules of Order Leaders should note these changes before their next official church business meeting. Richard R. Hammar
Add These Two Provisions to Your Church Bylaws Today These key provisions for church bylaws allows for legally sound, virtual church meetings. Frank Sommerville
Advantage Member Exclusive Do Your Church’s Governing Documents Allow Virtual Business Meetings? Answering this crucial question can help legally validate decisions made during the coronavirus outbreak—and beyond. Sarah E. Merkle
15 Things Richard Hammar Wants Pastors to Know Parliamentary Procedure Learn the basics of running church meetings. Richard R. Hammar
Why You Should Remove Certain Reports from Your Meeting Agenda And how to find which ones don't need to be presented. Sarah E. Merkle
Keeping Secrets Your church must be careful with the confidential information it controls. Richard R. Hammar
Preparing for the Annual Business Meeting A 15-point checklist for church treasurers. Richard R. Hammar