Will Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination Become Illegal? High court’s decision could have implications for the hiring and firing practices of churches. Matthew Branaugh
Supreme Court: Commemorative Cross on Public Land Did Not Offend the Constitution Bladensburg Cross may remain, both for its religious and secular purposes, majority says. Richard R. Hammar
Atheist Organization Opts Not to Appeal Housing Allowance Ruling Group says its arguments hold merit, but success at Supreme Court unlikely. Matthew Branaugh
Supreme Court Public Benefit Programs Available to Churches Excluding church from playground funding solely based on its religion violates First Amendment, Court says. Richard R. Hammar
Supreme Court Allows Prayers in City Council Meetings What clergy should note about invitations to lead public prayers. Richard R. Hammar
Why Pastors Must Pay Federal Income Taxes Ministers aren't exempt, so why do some still try to avoid them? Richard R. Hammar
Churches and Released Time Programs for Public Schools Steps for developing and maintaining a constitutionally sound effort. Sarah E. Merkle
What the “Ministerial Exception” Ruling Means for Churches The implications of the Supreme Court's unanimous decision Richard R. Hammar
Same-Sex Marriage Will pastors have to perform marriages contrary to their religious beliefs? Richard R. Hammar
Is Preaching About Homosexuality a Hate Crime? Limitations of the new Hate Crimes Act. Richard R. Hammar
Supreme Court Rulings Address Eminent Domain, Ten Commandments Article Summary . In its most recent term the United States Supreme Court issued four Richard R. Hammar
Supreme Court Rulings Address Eminent Domain, Ten Commandments In its most recent term the United States Supreme Court issued four rulings that will Richard R. Hammar
Returning Building Fund Contributions to Donors Where the courts stand on disputes over designated donations. Richard R. Hammar
Supreme Court Says School Vouchers Are Constitutional Supreme Court Says School Vouchers Are Constitutional … even if religious schools are the primary Richard R. Hammar
Update on the Housing Allowance Case Constitutionality of the housing allowance is being called into question. Richard R. Hammar
The Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 Religious organizations provided new protections under a new federal law. Richard R. Hammar
Churches Must Comply with Payroll Tax Reporting Requirements Federal court rules tax obligations do not violate the First Amendment. Richard R. Hammar
United States Supreme Court Issues Three Important Rulings What church leaders need to know. Richard R. Hammar
Federal Court: Revocation of Church’s Tax-Exempt Status Was Proper Ruling upholds rare instance when IRS took away exemption for political activities. Richard R. Hammar