Funding Foreign Activities: What Churches Need to Know

Key considerations for churches conducting foreign missions, including tax compliance, grantmaking, and safeguarding funds for international outreach.

Last Reviewed: January 10, 2025

Foreign mission activities can provide tremendous opportunities for churches to expand their reach globally. However, these endeavors are subject to complex rules and regulations. Understanding these guidelines is crucial for maintaining compliance and ensuring the success of your mission.

Key Considerations for Foreign Missions

Tax-Deductible Contributions

Donors often seek tax deductions for contributions supporting foreign activities. To qualify as tax-deductible, churches must:

  • Maintain control over the funds and ensure they are used for charitable purposes.
  • Avoid acting as a mere conduit for designated gifts to specific individuals or organizations.

For instance, a gift designated for a missionary is not tax-deductible unless the church maintains discretion over how the funds are allocated. Proper documentation and oversight are essential to ensure compliance with IRS regulations.

Short-Term Mission Trip Rules

Expenses incurred for short-term mission trips are typically tax-deductible if the trip’s primary purpose is to minister to others. Key rules include:

  • Expenses must relate directly to volunteer activities.
  • Trips with significant personal pleasure or recreation elements may disqualify expenses.
  • Detailed itineraries and documentation are required to differentiate between charitable and personal days.

Churches should clearly communicate these rules to participants and ensure compliance with IRS guidelines.

Grantmaking to Foreign Organizations

Providing grants to foreign organizations requires careful oversight. To ensure tax deductibility and compliance, churches must:

  • Conduct thorough reviews of the recipient’s operations and governance.
  • Maintain detailed documentation of expenditures and ensure funds are used exclusively for charitable purposes.
  • Consider using grant agreements or securing legal opinions to verify compliance.

Payments to Foreign Nationals

When compensating foreign nationals, churches must distinguish between payments for services rendered in the U.S. and those made abroad:

  • Payments for services in the U.S. may require withholding and reporting to the IRS.
  • Payments made abroad must align with the foreign grantmaking rules and ensure accountability.

Proper documentation and adherence to tax rules are essential to avoid penalties.

Anti-Terrorism Compliance

Churches must ensure their foreign activities do not violate U.S. anti-terrorism regulations. This includes:

  • Screening all transactions against government-maintained lists of sanctioned individuals and organizations.
  • Filing the required Treasury Department forms for foreign bank accounts.

Failure to comply can result in severe penalties, including criminal charges.

FAQs on Foreign Mission Activities

1. Can donations for foreign missions be tax-deductible?

Yes, if the church maintains control and discretion over the funds and ensures they are used for charitable purposes.

2. Are personal expenses on mission trips deductible?

No. Only expenses directly related to charitable activities are tax-deductible. Personal days and associated costs must be excluded.

3. What documentation is needed for grants to foreign organizations?

Churches should use written agreements, require detailed expenditure reports, and conduct periodic audits to ensure compliance.

4. How can churches comply with anti-terrorism regulations?

Churches must screen all transactions against government sanctions lists and adhere to reporting requirements for foreign financial activities.

For additional guidance, consult legal and financial professionals familiar with the complexities of foreign mission activities.

Frank Sommerville is a both a CPA and attorney, and a longtime Editorial Advisor for Church Law & Tax.

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